
MC_01: Load STL/OBJ Data

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_01

Payload Definition

Type: InitialMcadState
  "Version": "String",
  "Models": {
    "Version": "String",
    "Models": {
      "LongLength": "Int64",
      "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
      "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
      "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
      "SyncRoot": {},
      "Length": "Int32",
      "Rank": "Int32"

Example definition

Type: InitialMcadState

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
A00002Resource given for {RESOURCE} was not able to be loaded. Function will continue as expected without.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.
I00003Missing fields were replaced with default values. {INPUTS}

MC_02: 3D MCAD Event (Interaction in Unity, Data Display on Front End)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_02

Payload Definition

Type: McadInteraction
  "Version": "String",
  "Mcad": {
    "Version": "String",
    "Id": "String",
    "Position": {
      "Version": "String",
      "X": "Float",
      "Y": "Float",
      "Z": "Float"
    "Rotation": {
      "Version": "String",
      "X": "Float",
      "Y": "Float",
      "Z": "Float"
    "Scale": {
      "Version": "String",
      "X": "Float",
      "Y": "Float",
      "Z": "Float"
    "Inverted": {
      "Version": "String",
      "InvertedSagittal": "Boolean",
      "InvertedCoronal": "Boolean",
      "InvertedTransverse": "Boolean"
    "Colour": {
      "Version": "String",
      "R": "Float",
      "G": "Float",
      "B": "Float",
      "A": "Float"
    "Visibility": "Boolean",
    "Locked": "Boolean",
    "Title": "String",
    "Description": "String",
    "CallToAction": "String",
    "Key": "String",
    "Orientation": {
      "Version": "String",
      "Orientation": "ENUM: Orientation",
      "ReferencePoint": {
        "Version": "String",
        "X": "Float",
        "Y": "Float",
        "Z": "Float"
      "Position": {
        "Version": "String",
        "X": "Float",
        "Y": "Float",
        "Z": "Float"
      "Rotation": {
        "Version": "String",
        "X": "Float",
        "Y": "Float",
        "Z": "Float"
      "Scale": {
        "Version": "String",
        "X": "Float",
        "Y": "Float",
        "Z": "Float"
    "Children": [
        "Length": "Int32",
        "Chars": "Char"
  "Interaction": "ENUM: Interactiontype"

Example definition

Type: McadInteraction

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid

MC_03: Set Visibility of Individual MCAD Objects

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_03

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectVisibility
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Visibility": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: ObjectVisibility

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.

MC_04: Set Colour & Opacity of Individual MCAD Objects

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_04

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectColour
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Colour": {
    "Version": "String",
    "R": "Float",
    "G": "Float",
    "B": "Float",
    "A": "Float"

Example definition

Type: ObjectColour

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.

MC_05: Move Individual MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Unity-based Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_05

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectBoolean
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Value": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: ObjectBoolean

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.

MC_06: Rotate Individual MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Unity-based Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_06

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectBoolean
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Value": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: ObjectBoolean

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.

MC_07: Move Group MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Unity-based Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_07

Payload Definition

Type: GroupBoolean
  "Version": "String",
  "Ids": {
    "LongLength": "Int64",
    "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
    "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
    "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
    "SyncRoot": {},
    "Length": "Int32",
    "Rank": "Int32"
  "Value": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: GroupBoolean

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.
F00036Insufficient number of objects were found for function to execute.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.
A00007Element has an advisory warning for function. Element will be continue to be used.

MC_08: Rotate Group MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Unity-based Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_08

Payload Definition

Type: GroupBoolean
  "Version": "String",
  "Ids": {
    "LongLength": "Int64",
    "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
    "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
    "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
    "SyncRoot": {},
    "Length": "Int32",
    "Rank": "Int32"
  "Value": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: GroupBoolean

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.
F00036Insufficient number of objects were found for function to execute.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.
A00007Element has an advisory warning for function. Element will be continue to be used.

MC_09: Lock Position and Interactivity of MCAD Objects and/or MCAD Groups (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_09

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectBoolean
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Value": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: ObjectBoolean

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00037Parent group is locked. Unlock parent before this function.

MC_10: Group Individual MCAD Objects (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_10

Payload Definition

Type: ParentPayload
  "Version": "String",
  "Parent": "String",
  "Children": {
    "LongLength": "Int64",
    "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
    "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
    "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
    "SyncRoot": {},
    "Length": "Int32",
    "Rank": "Int32"

Example definition

Type: ParentPayload

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00033Model with ID: {ID} is already part of a group.
F00034Attempting to group parent to itself. Will not be grouped.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.
A00007Element has an advisory warning for function. Element will be continue to be used.

MC_11: Un-Group MCAD Objects (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_11

Payload Definition

Type: UnparentPayload
  "Version": "String",
  "Children": {
    "LongLength": "Int64",
    "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
    "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
    "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
    "SyncRoot": {},
    "Length": "Int32",
    "Rank": "Int32"

Example definition

Type: UnparentPayload

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.

MC_12: Move Individual MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_12

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectPosition
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Position": {
    "Version": "String",
    "X": "Float",
    "Y": "Float",
    "Z": "Float"

Example definition

Type: ObjectPosition

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00027Object with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.

MC_13: Rotate Individual MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_13

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectRotation
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Rotation": {
    "Version": "String",
    "X": "Float",
    "Y": "Float",
    "Z": "Float"

Example definition

Type: ObjectRotation

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00027Object with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.

MC_14: Move Group MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_14

Payload Definition

Type: GroupTransform
  "Version": "String",
  "Ids": {
    "LongLength": "Int64",
    "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
    "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
    "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
    "SyncRoot": {},
    "Length": "Int32",
    "Rank": "Int32"
  "Movement": {
    "Version": "String",
    "X": "Float",
    "Y": "Float",
    "Z": "Float"

Example definition

Type: GroupTransform

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00027Object with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.
F00036Insufficient number of objects were found for function to execute.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.
A00007Element has an advisory warning for function. Element will be continue to be used.

MC_15: Rotate Group MCAD Objects in X, Y, Z Planes (Front-End Interaction)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_15

Payload Definition

Type: GroupTransform
  "Version": "String",
  "Ids": {
    "LongLength": "Int64",
    "IsFixedSize": "Boolean",
    "IsReadOnly": "Boolean",
    "IsSynchronized": "Boolean",
    "SyncRoot": {},
    "Length": "Int32",
    "Rank": "Int32"
  "Movement": {
    "Version": "String",
    "X": "Float",
    "Y": "Float",
    "Z": "Float"

Example definition

Type: GroupTransform

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00002Input data is not valid for function
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00027Object with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.
F00036Insufficient number of objects were found for function to execute.
A00004Element was invalid for function. Element will be skipped.
A00007Element has an advisory warning for function. Element will be continue to be used.

MC_16: Invert MCAD Data

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_16

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectInvert
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Inverted": {
    "Version": "String",
    "InvertedSagittal": "Boolean",
    "InvertedCoronal": "Boolean",
    "InvertedTransverse": "Boolean"

Example definition

Type: ObjectInvert

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00035Unable to use function for locked model.

MC_17: Remove MCAD Object(s) (Front End Based)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_17

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectId
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String"

Example definition

Type: ObjectId

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.

MC_18: Rename MCAD Object(s) (Front End Based)

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Interface: mcad
  • Action: mc_18

Payload Definition

Type: ObjectInfo
  "Version": "String",
  "Id": "String",
  "Value": "String"

Example definition

Type: ObjectInfo

Response Codes

S00000Action was received from Front End.
S00001Action from Front End has completed.
F00000Error executing the supplied function
F00001Function is not defined
F00006Action did not execute within an allotted time
F00008Function is not found
F00011The payload supplied is invalid
F00030Mcad with Id, {ID}, could not be found.
F00032String length exceeded limits defined
Last Updated:
Contributors: Matthew Satti